
検索キーワード「worldedge gorger location」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√ world edge gorger mount 103703-World edge gorger mount

The Loyal Gorger comes from a 7 day quest chain To start the quest chain you need the rare drop Impressionable Gorger Spawn from the rare spawn Worldedge GWorldedge Gorger is located in the Revendreth The Banewood zone Rare is near the edge West of the Wanecrypt Hill flight point It is hidden until you use Enticing Anima near two worldedge braziers To get Enticing Anima you have to kill mobs near the river (Encroaching Mite, Encroaching Gorger and other) It can drop from any rift creatureKraulok le Gorgedune is the world boss up in Vol'dun for the week of November 17th(18th for EU), and since patch , drops an alpaca mount (Tas de fourrures légèrement humides) The mount is once again dropping We've sat in Vol'dun last night and observed over 400 players loot Dunegorger, with no mount drops How To Summon Worldedge Gorger Wow Revendreth Youtube World edge gorger mount